Notices And Notices


2023-02-13 11:34:00

Management Measures for Extracurricular Running Exercise in Southern University of Science and Technology

       为深入贯彻执行《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》、《国家学生体质健康标准》文件精神,实施《高等学校体育工作基本标准》、《广东省学校体育三年行动计划(2015—2017年)》文件中“普通高等学校要将课外体育活动纳入学校教学计划,组织学生每周至少参加三次课外体育锻炼,切实保证学生每天一小时体育活动时间。每节体育课须保证一定的运动强度,其中提高学生心肺功能的锻炼内容不得少于30%;要将反映学生心肺功能的素质锻炼项目作为考试内容,考试分数的权重不得少于30%。”的要求,为更好落实学生每天1小时校园体育活动,贯彻落实《南方科技大学体育规划(2018-2022)》,推动体育教学改革和开展特色校园体育文化,增加学生体质健康,养成良好体育锻炼习惯,提升体育素养,学校决定开展课外跑步锻炼活动。学校使用智能“APP”或其它工具作为课外体育活动开展的工具软件或手段。软件采用基于定向越野的趣味打卡模式进行跑步锻炼,学生可自主安排时间和场地,也可参与体育中心组织的长跑,锻炼情况将自动与课内体育教学成绩进行关联,经体育中心讨论和综合收集学生意见,制定《南方科技大学跑步锻炼管理办法》 。
        In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the documents “Healthy China 2030” Blueprint  and State Students Health Standards and carry out Basic Standards for University Sports Work and the requirements of Three-year Action Plan for Action for School Physical Education in Guangdong Province (2015-2017) that “General institutions of higher education should incorporate extracurricular sports activities into their school teaching plans and organize students to participate in extracurricular physical exercise for at least three times a week  and assure them of one-hour sports activity every day. Each physical education class should have some exercise intensity, in which the exercise proportion of improving students’ cardiopulmonary functions may not be less than 30%. The quality exercise item reflecting students’ cardiopulmonary functions should be taken as the examination content, and the weight of the examination scores may not be less than 30%.” In order to better implement the one-hour campus sports activity for students every day , implement Sports Planning for Southern University of Science and Technology (2018-2022), promote the physical education teaching reform, carry out characteristic campus sports culture, strengthen students’ physical health, develop good physical exercise habits and improve sports attainments, SUSTech decides to carry out extracurricular running exercise activity. We use smart “APP” or other tools as a tool software or means to carry out extracurricular sports activities. The software adopts the interesting orienteering card-punching mode for running exercise. Students can arrange their time and venue by themselves or participate in long-distance running organized by the Sports Center. Their exercise status will automatically be linked with physical education performance in class. Management Measures for Extracurricular Running Exercise in Southern University of Science and Technology is hereby formulated after discussion and comprehensive collection of students’ opinions by the Sports Center.
I. Participants
University-wide undergraduates and postgraduates
II. Exercise forms
“Jogging” or “aerobic running”
1、学期跑步锻炼日期范围:2023年2月13号 —2023年6月4号。
III. Exercise time and area
1. Date for semester running exercise :February 13,2023- -June 4,2023. 方式 1:使用步道乐跑APP进行跑步,成绩无需登记。
Mode 1: BDLP App is used for running. There is no need to record the performances.
方式 2:定向运动打点方式进行跑步(小野定向APP),需在跑步后两周内到体育中心办公室登记成绩,登记时间:工作日8:30-12:00,14:00-17:30.
Mode 2:  Orienteering registration (XY Orienteering APP) is conducted during running. The performances need to be recorded at the Sports Center Office within two weeks after running. Registration time: Working days are 8:30-12:00,14:00-17:30
跑步时间段,每天 AM 06:00 —— PM 22:30
2. Running time, 06:00AM--22:30PM  every day
3. Running safety area:  SUSTech campuses (exercise in the safety area)
IV. Semester exercise standard and effective exercise
1. Semester exercise standards and performance management (Grades 1 and 2) --performance of physical education class
性 别
Exercise times
Kinematic mileage (km)
Performance of physical education class

15 100 20

15 80 20

Note: Times and mileage should meet the requirements simultaneously. If any of them fails to meet the requirements, the score will be zero.
2. Effective standards for single running exercise
男生:里程达到 2.0公里,跑步配速在 3~9min/km 范围内。
女生:里程达到 1.6公里,跑步配速在 3~9min/km 范围内。
Male students: If the mileage is up to 2.0 kilometers, the running speed will be within 3-9 min/km.
Female students: If the mileage is up to 1.6 kilometers, the running speed will be within 3-9 min/km.
3、每天最多有 1次运动(锻炼)记录关联体育成绩,超出次数仅做里程奖励记录,不关联体育成绩。
3. There is at most one-time sports (exercise) record related to sports performance every day. If it is more than one time, only mileage reward record is made, and the sports performance is not linked.
4、单次跑步运动里程上限为 10公里。
4. The upper limit of mileage for single running is 10 kilometers.
V. Mileage reward (Grades 1, 2)
1. If the cumulative mileage of a male student in the current semester is 120 kilometers or above and that of a female student in the current semester is 100 kilometers or above, the total performance of physical education class will be added with 2 points and the total performance of physical education class will not be not more than 100 points.
Individual running mileage in the semester is rewarded according to the following milage. Every student can only receive a mileage reward every semester and cannot accumulate the rewards
 150 kilometers, 200 kilometers, 250 kilometers, 300 kilometers or above .
VI. Special circumstances
If you are unable to take part in running exercise due to injury, illness (hospitalization), physical defects and other reasons, you shall provide a valid certificate, a medical record and other relevant materials from a hospital  of AAA or above. After being reviewed by the counselor and signed by the leader in charge of student work, they will be submitted the Sports Center for approval. After approval, you will be transferred to the sports health care course. Relevant materials shall be submitted before the semester or within 10 days after emergencies occur, otherwise you will be treated as absenteeism.
VII. Precautions
1、可根据情况自由选“步道乐跑 APP”和体育中心组织的定位打点跑步方式。
1. According to the situation, you can freely choose “BDLP APP” and orienteering registration organized by the Sports Center.
2. During running, please pay attention to personal safety, avoid motor vehicles or bicycles, and be cautious of slippery roads.
3、经常更换手机登录,会导致手机 IP地址异常,有可能被识别为更换手机代跑,请大家保持一个手机一个账号的使用。
3. If you log in your account by changing mobile phones frequently, it will lead to abnormal IP address of mobile phone. It may be identified as replacing mobile phone for running. Please log in your account with the same  mobile phone.
VIII. Basic requirements
In order to ensure the exercise effect, cheating (using transport vehicle, running for others, etc.) is prohibited. Once checked, your performance will be canceled and your sports performance (Grades 1 and  2) will be 0. The performances of other grades and postgraduate may not involve in mileage reward. In this case, criticism will be given at the campus. You are welcome to anonymously supervise and report such cheating.
9. If you have any doubts or software problems, please contact the management personnel of the Sports Center or the software company in the following ways:
1、体育中心跑步锻炼管理人员 杨佳:18124523945
2、步道乐跑软件问题,可以通过 app在线客服留言或联系 QQ
1. Yang Jia (management personnel for running exercise of the Sports Center): 18124523945
2. In case of any BDLP software problems, please leave a message for the online service personnel via App or contact via QQ.
步道小秘客服 QQ:1903864621
Service telephone: 027-62434316
BD service QQ: 1903864621
步道大家族 QQ交流群:567334749
WeChat account: BDLP
QQ for BD Family: 567334749
Customer service email:
3、小野定向APP负责人:宋老师  15215383188
3. Principal of XY Orienteering APP: Teacher Lu 13005486440 (the same number for WeChat account)

2023年 02月13日
Center for Physical Education
February 13, 2023